January 16, 2008

I Know It's Winter When...

January is definitely here. Christmas has been packed away. The trees are tossed to the curb, unless you condone hayseed behavior, the DVD box sets are categorized on the shelves. Yes, winter has kicked in and I am feeling the effects. How can I tell? I'm becoming all too familiar with terrible sitcoms I never watch any other time of the year.

Every year, around this time, I find myself catching syndicated episodes of shows you generally couldn't pay me to watch. And the thing is, I never go out of my way to watch them. Just by being around other company, whether it be while eating dinner on the couch, passing through a living room, or lying in bed with a random station playing in the background, I'm catching way to many episodes of "Everybody Loves Raymond" and "Yes Dear." I've become an avid watcher of "Home Improvement" since December 26 and stop what I'm doing to watch Tim Allen hammer another nail into his hand. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy "Home Improvement" in its own little cozy, corny way, but I should not be devoting so much attention to these reruns when I have a whole "Twin Peaks" box set going unwatched as I type.

The fact that I'm picking up on plot points and arching story lines for shows called, something like "Six Men and a Monkey" makes me feel like less of a person. Damn winter is here. It is a season I love when I'm outside in the wonderful wintry majesty. But when the cold keeps me in, I'm covered in a blizzard of cable station syndicated, laugh track coated, sitcoms. Everybody may love you Raymond, but frankly, I'm sick of you. And we still have February and March...

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