January 20, 2008

Comment Me Please, I'm Fuckin' Dying Here

I am extremely tired of people demanding that we all comment each other online. Would you walk into a bar, lift your shirt sleeves, and ask the brutish motorcycle gang in the corner, "Hey, can you comment on my physique?" No, you wouldn't. So why is everyone, of every age demographic, asking complete strangers, or online friends, to give their opinions about a picture of themselves with french fries shoved in their mouth while flexing in a mirror. Yeah, I know you're humorous, and I'll tell you when I want too, dammit.

I have also recently seen some requests from people in their myspace bulletins that demand, "Do not message me. Comment me." My well-thought out, personalized message to you, punctuated with the word "Sincerely," is now obsolete. My inner feelings to you now have to be posted so your other "friends" you barely know are aware of the fact that I felt a need to tell you something mundane. Is nothing sacred?

Recently, I hung out with a guy that I don't even like for about 20 minutes and I mentioned something I saw on his myspace page. Rather than showing gratitude that I even noticed his stupid anecdote in the first place, he just asked, "Why didn't you just comment me?" I don't know, I just thought seeing your face would have been a little more genuine, asshole.

Is this the new friendship give and take of our generation? No longer "you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours." Now it's "show people you know me, and maybe I'll tell you one of your pics looks sexy, but in an ironic gay sort of way." It's all about the fake friendship hype now. What if my car breaks down? Will you, online friend who seeks comments, help pick me up on the side of the road? Will you console me when a family member dies? No, because you're busy commenting other peoples pics.

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