December 11, 2008

Selling Songs to Chevy Worth Several Souls (and other Calamities)

What's the worst part about watching commercials? No it's not the fact that the show you were just watching and enjoying goes on a momentary vacation. It isn't the fact that there's bunch of useless bullshit being shoved down your throat. It's the goddamn songs that ruin our day to day. And I'm not talking about the lame jingles either, like "SAVED BY ZERO" or "5 DOLLAR FOOT LONGS." Jingles are a part of the fabric of America.

Over the past few years, commercials have been the breeding ground where indie rock songs and classic rock go to die. Commercials have always been the epitome of selling out (either that or having your own action figure molded after your band, Jordan Knight!). Frankly, I'm sick of this. Every time a computer commercial comes on, I'm greeted with a quirky "indie" song with some moderate electronics for the optimum computer/digital experience. And the car commercials... haaa, don't even get me started. The car industry has successfully killed three great Queen songs, every decent song by The Who, and cemented the fact that Kid Rock will forever suck a big dick till the end of time. There's no worse television experience I can think of than watching a pickup truck cutting a sharp turn, in slow motion nonetheless, to a bunch of nu-metal.

Commercials, you suck. You just really suck. You've made millions of people, like my mother, want to download Feist and Imogen Heap songs. And that is just wrong Mom. But the commercials taught you to accept, and buy everything.

(However, I'm very proud of The Thermals who declined a half-million bucks for the use of one of their songs in a Hummer commercial. Also, Tom Waits sued the fucking shit out of some English company for ripping off his song "Innocent When You Dream" in their commercial after he declined. He claims that's how his family will live comfortably for a few generations. Thank you so much Tom. Thank you.)

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